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  • Created 22 Jan 2014

PSON0010 Cancer Sampling Index - CaSix

PSON0010 Cancer Sampling Index – CaSix

Study Contact: Lani Wu

Studies using Patient Derived Xenograft (PDX) models of human cancer permit a wider range of experimental approaches to measure and map tumor heterogeneity than what would be possible in a patient sample. The CaSIX project seeks to generate a dataset to use as a basis for providing a spatial delineation of heterogeneity in tumors at the cellular and molecular level. This assessment entails genomic, transcriptional and proteomic data and physical characterization across multiple sites within an individual tumor.

This was investigated in the context of four colon-cancer PDX models ( two each from the left and right colon) whose biological properties were assayed using genetic, transcriptomic, proteomic and immunofluorescence microscopy based assays. Data_Overview.png

For each of the PDX models, 3 replicate tumors were grown, and each replicate tumor was divided into three regions (dorsal, central and ventral). Thus in total 36 = 4×3×3 PDX samples were generated, and each was profiled generating the datasets as follows:

Growth_Curves- This dataset represents the growth and harvesting of the PDX tumors stored as xls files.

Microscopy H & E – Brightfield microscopy images of hematoxylin and eosin (h&e) stained histological section extracted from the PDX samples were captured using an Aperio Brightfield Digital Scanner and saved as svs files. The svs format is a customization of the tiff format used by Aperio microscopes. Each tif file uses the multi-page TIFF format with six images. Three of these six correspond to brightfield images of the H&E staining of the imaged region of the slide at different magnifications. There are also three RGB images corresponding to 1) image of the slide label (place where experimentalists write slide description) 2) a low magnification view of imaged region 3) an image of the whole slide with a rectangle denoting the portion of the slide that was imaged.

Microscopy_IF – Immunofluorescence (IF) microscopy images of histological section extracted from the PDX samples. Immunofluorescence microscopy involved staining each section for four biomarkers and imaging with an Aperio Fluorescence Digital Scanner. Accordingly, the imaging can be thought of as being divided into 4 marker sets of DAPI, vimentin and the markers for the following proteins:

  1. betacatenin, rps6
  2. ki67, erk
  3. ecadherin, stat3
  4. akt, vegf

DNA – Ion Torrent technology was used to perform targeted sequencing of 50 genes using the Ion Ampliseq Cancer Hotspot Panel v2 kit. The raw data consists of sequenced reads of fastq files. Processed data consists of variant calls in files of vcf format.

RNA – The transcriptome profiling of the PDX samples was done using Ion Torrent sequencing based on Ion Ampliseq Transcriptome Human Gene Expression Kits, targeting > 20,0000 RefSeq transcripts. Raw data consists of fastq files of the sequenced reads. Processed data consists of reads-per-million normalized counts for various genes based on mapping of reads to the human transcriptome and stored as tab-delimited text files and bam files using the set of RefSeq transcripts as reference sequences.


Data usage policy

The data contained within the PS-ON DCC is based on several research projects and is intended to be rapidly and constantly updated for the research community to access and use. The NCI requests that any data users:

Inform the data submitters about the intention to submit a publication that uses PS-ON DCC data.

Include the following statement in any publications resulting from the use of PS-ON DCC data: Data used in this publication were generated by projects sponsored by the NCI Physical Sciences in Oncology Initiative.

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