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  • Created 22 Jan 2014

Physical Sciences Oncology Network Data Coordinating Center

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is exploring new and innovative scientific approaches to better understand and control cancer. The Division of Cancer Biology Physical Sciences in Oncology Initiative seeks to establish research projects that bring together cancer biologists and oncologists with scientists from the fields of physics, mathematics, chemistry, and engineering to address some of the major questions and barriers in cancer research.

In 2009, the Physical Sciences – Oncology Centers(PS-OCs) Program was launched, a Network of 12 Centers investigating complex and challenging questions in cancer research from a physical sciences perspective. To explore how the NCI could continue to support the integration of physical sciences and cancer research, a Think Tank and series of Strategic Workshops were held in 2012. The workshops served to update opportunities at the interface of physical sciences and cancer research and guide the development of Program Announcements for a second phase of the PS-OC Program and Physical Science – Oncology Projects (PS-OPs) Program that together will form the Physical Sciences – Oncology Network (PS-ON).

Data generated from the PS-ON:

PSON0001 Genomic Characterization of Cell Lines This study provides genomic characterization of 39 cell lines from Physical Sciences Oncology Center (PS-OC) Network Bioresource Core Facility (PBCF) through the sequencing of mRNA (TruSeq Stranded RNA Sample Preparation Kit), miRNA(TruSeq Small Total RNA Sample Prep Kit) and exome (Agilent SureSelectXT2 Human All Exon V5 kit) and aligning to a reference genome (HG19/37).   Software for the mRNA characterizations included:  cufflinks, cuffdecoder, fastcqReports, mapsplice, tophat, transdecoder, for  miRNA included: bowtie2, miRanalyzer, miTools, and for exome included bowtie2. Datasets include the output specific to these software packages, as well as more widely used bioinformatics formats: bam, bed, fasta, fastq, vcf (4.1).

PSON0002-PSON0005 Physical Characterization of Cell Lines These studies provide physical characterization of 30 cell lines from the Physical Sciences Oncology Center (PS-OC) Network Bioresource Core Facility (PBCF). The goal of the studies are to asses the effect of cell line growth substrate on the physical properties of individual cells from the cell lines.

PSON0006 A physical sciences network characterization of non-tumorigenic and metastatic cells This dataset is supplemental material for the Nature publication of the Physical Sciences-Oncology Network.

PSON0007 The effect of two pre-analytical variables (type of collection tube and time to analysis) on the detection and enumeration of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) This study uses immunohistochemistry to detect candidate circulating tumor cells in 90 blood samples from 61 different cancer patients.  Collection protocols differ by type of blood collection tube, time to assay, and detection methodology.  The dataset includes jpg files of the images of the cells and text files with the cell size and fluorescence intensity, and total cell count per sample. Low pass sequencing on select cells was done, and sequence reads were aligned to the human genome.  Derived data for the sequencing and mapping part of this study consists of defined sections of the genome that appear to have comparable sequence coverage.  

PSON0008 Proteomic Characterization of Cell Lines The PBCF cell line proteomics characterization project  includes proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of nine cell lines grown under the same seven conditions that were used for the physical characterization study.  Also included in this proteomics characterization project was the harvesting and freezing of cell pellets from nine cell lines, grown on each of the seven growth conditions, to be used for subsequent RNA sequencing (Project PSON0009).

PSON0009 RNAseq and miRNAseq characterization of PS-ON cell lines grown on substrates of differing viscoelastic properties and integrin ligands. The PBCF cell line RNA characterization project extends the studies includes mRNA and miRNA analysis of nine cell lines grown under the same seven conditions that were used for the physical characterization experiment.

PSON0010 Cancer Sampling Index (CaSix) Four colon-cancer PDX models ( two each from the left and right colon) were analyzed using genetic, transcriptomic, proteomic and immunofluorescence microscopy based assays.


Data usage policy

The data contained within the PS-ON DCC is based on several research projects and is intended to be rapidly and constantly updated for the research community to access and use. The NCI requests that any data users:

  • Inform the data submitters about the intention to submit a publication that uses PS-ON DCC data.

  • Include the following statement in any publications resulting from the use of PS-ON DCC data: Data used in this publication were generated by projects sponsored by the NCI Physical Sciences in Oncology Initiative.

    • In the case of the study of PSON0007 The effect of pre-analytical variables on Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs), please include the following statement instead: Data used in this publication were generated by projects sponsored by the NCI Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives (CSSI). 



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