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Conference on Geospatial Approaches to Cancer Control and Population Sciences – 
Monday, September 12, 2016 - Wednesday, September 14, 2016 All Day Event
This conference, sponsored by NCI's Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS), will address spatial and contextual aspects of cancer across the entire cancer control continuum, including etiology, prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship.

Conference Goals
Growing technological capacity in mapping and spatial technology along with increasing sophistication in has resulted in the emergence of a growing research community using geospatial approaches on diverse aspects of cancer prevention and control.

The conference aims to bring together a community of researchers across the cancer control continuum using geospatial tools, models and approaches to address cancer prevention and control to:
Support and build this research community;
- Accelerate the integration of state-of-the-art tools and theories from spatial research into cancer control and population sciences; and
- Identify future directions for data, resource, training and research funding in cancer control.
- The conference agenda when finalized, along with further information and updates will be posted on the Conference Home page.

Registration is free, but is required for all participants including authors and coauthors of abstracts who plan to attend the conference. Registration will remain open until August 31, 2016, if the number of registrants exceeds capacity further registrants will be placed on a waitlist. Register here:
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