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Publications: All

  1. NCL Method PCC-19

    NCL Method PCC-19

    2020-07-09 19:57:02 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Jeffrey Clogston, Yingwen Hu | doi:10.17917/8S1D-BN17

    Asymmetric-flow field-flow Fractionation

  2. NCL Method PCC-18

    NCL Method PCC-18

    2020-07-09 19:56:55 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Jeffrey Clogston, Yingwen Hu | doi:10.17917/JM45-VA25

    Quantitation of APIs in Polymeric Prodrug Formulations

  3. NCL Method PCC-2

    NCL Method PCC-2

    2020-07-09 18:35:08 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Alison Vermilya, Jeffrey Clogston | doi:10.17917/ZB8P-FB40

    Measuring Zeta Potential of Nanoparticles

  4. Supplement to PCC-8 & PCC-9

    Supplement to PCC-8 & PCC-9

    2020-07-09 19:55:07 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Jeffrey Clogston, Matthew Hansen | doi:10.17917/B68Q-T959

    Metal Quantitation by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry

  5. NCL Method PHA-2

    NCL Method PHA-2

    2020-07-09 18:34:22 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Stephan Stern, Sarah Skoczen | doi:10.17917/8EJ1-9P65

    Ultrafiltration Drug Release Assay Utilizing a Stable Isotope Tracer

  6. NCL Method PHA-1

    NCL Method PHA-1

    2020-07-09 18:34:36 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Stephan Stern | doi:10.17917/2HFK-9E25

    Radioactive Blood Partitioning Assay

  7. NCL Method GTA-14

    NCL Method GTA-14

    2020-07-09 19:47:27 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Stephan Stern, Barry Neun | doi:10.17917/95VC-ZP26

    Hep G2 Hepatocarcinoma Homogeneous Apoptosis Assay

  8. NCL Method GTA-12

    NCL Method GTA-12

    2020-07-09 19:20:17 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Stephan Stern, Barry Neun | doi:10.17917/YPTH-N396

    Autophagic Dysfunction in LLC-PK1 Cells

  9. NCL Method GTA-11

    NCL Method GTA-11

    2020-07-09 19:16:40 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Stephan Stern, Chris McLeland, Jamie Rodriguez | doi:10.17917/WY7Z-MD10

    Autophagic Dysfunction Assay: Qualitative Analysis of MAP LC3-I to LC3-II Conversion By Western Blot

  10. NCL Method GTA-7

    NCL Method GTA-7

    2020-07-09 19:16:33 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Stephan Stern, Banu Zolnik | doi:10.17917/0WF6-GX40

    Hepatocyte Primary ROS Assay

  11. NCL Method GTA-6

    NCL Method GTA-6

    2020-07-09 19:16:27 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Stephan Stern, Timothy Potter | doi:10.17917/3F7T-M688

    HepG2 Hepatocarcinoma Apoptosis Assay

  12. NCL Method GTA-4

    NCL Method GTA-4

    2020-07-09 19:16:06 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Stephan Stern, Timothy Potter, Barry Neun | doi:10.17917/H65D-SJ70

    Hep G2 Hepatocyte Lipid Peroxidation Assay

  13. NCL Method GTA-3

    NCL Method GTA-3

    2020-07-09 19:15:53 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Stephan Stern, Timothy Potter, Barry Neun | doi:10.17917/EHR9-HB86

    Hep G2 Hepatocyte Glutathione Assay

  14. NCL Method GTA-2

    NCL Method GTA-2

    2020-07-09 19:13:23 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Stephan Stern, Pavan Adiseshaiah, Timothy Potter | doi:10.17917/96Z2-NZ61

    Hep G2 Hepatocarcinoma Cytotoxicity Assay

  15. NCL Method GTA-1

    NCL Method GTA-1

    2020-07-09 19:12:35 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Stephan Stern, Pavan Adiseshaiah, Timothy Potter | doi:10.17917/Q6EC-XC97

    This protocol describes the cytotoxicity testing of nanoparticle formulations porcine proximal tubule cells (LLC-PK1), as part of the in vitro NCL preclinical characterization cascade.

  16. NCL Method ITA-36

    NCL Method ITA-36

    2020-07-09 19:51:59 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Barry Neun, Marina Dobrovolskaia | doi:10.17917/1RPW-X912

    Detection of naturally occurring antibodies to PEG and PEGylated liposomes in plasma of human donor volunteers

  17. NCL Method STE-2.2

    NCL Method STE-2.2

    2020-05-04 20:44:46 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Timothy Potter, Barry Neun, Anna Ilinskaya, Marina Dobrovolskaia | doi:10.17917/5JCE-HQ72

    Detection of Bacterial Contamination by Agar Plate Test

  18. NCL Method STE-2.1

    NCL Method STE-2.1

    2020-05-04 20:44:44 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Timothy Potter, Barry Neun, Anna Ilinskaya, Marina Dobrovolskaia | doi:10.17917/P9TT-MN30

    Detection of Microbial Contamination

  19. NCL Method STE-1.4

    NCL Method STE-1.4

    2020-05-04 20:44:37 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Barry Neun, Anna Ilinskaya, Marina Dobrovolskaia | doi:10.17917/MQJP-YG07

    Detection and Quantification of Gram Negative Bacterial Endotoxin Contamination in Nanoparticle Formulations by Kinetic Chromogenic LAL Assay

  20. NCL Method STE-1.3

    NCL Method STE-1.3

    2020-05-04 20:44:32 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Barry Neun, Anna Ilinskaya, Marina Dobrovolskaia | doi:10.17917/VZ9M-8351

    Detection and Quantification of Gram Negative Bacterial Endotoxin Contamination in Nanoparticle Formulations by Gel-Clot LAL Assay