__'''PSON0001 Genomic Characterization of Cell Lines'''__ This study provides genomic characterization of 40 cell lines from Physical Sciences Oncology Center (PS-OC) Network Bioresource Core Facility (PBCF) through the sequencing of mRNA (TruSeq Stranded RNA Sample Preparation Kit), miRNA(TruSeq Small Total RNA Sample Prep Kit) and exome (Agilent SureSelectXT2 Human All Exon V5 kit) and aligning to a reference genome (HG19/37). Software for the mRNA characterizations included: cufflinks, cuffdecoder, fastcqReports, mapsplice, tophat, transdecoder, for miRNA included: bowtie2, miRanalyzer, miTools. and for exome included bowtie2. Datasets include the output specific to these software packages, as well as more widely used bioinformatics formats: bam, bed, fasta, fastq, vcf (4.1). Download the dataset at [ftp://caftpd.nci.nih.gov/psondcc/CellLineGenomics/]