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eeDAP update 20180713

by Brandon D. Gallas

Is everyone as busy as I feel? Isn’t summer supposed to be relaxing?

My colleague and mentor Bob Wagner always called it the curse of modern life.

Anyhow, I have updated the wiki page for our project. In particular, I have uploaded the FY2018-Q3 project report that I submitted to the FDA office in charge of the Critical Path funding mechanism.

To be clear, this is an update for listed collaborators and beyond. This is being posted to the NCIPhub eeDAP studies group, which is open to the public. I will ultimately point the WSI working group to this update as well. Thank you for being in the NCIPhub eeDAP studies group.

Generally, things are moving. I would be very happy to make similar progress in the next quarter. Now there are some necessary logistical things that have started and need to continue to move forward (MTAs, CRADAs, etc), and there also are some interesting and fun science coming our way (studies to design and execute). Please refer to wiki page and the FY2018-Q3 report. I am very appreciative of the support received so far and hope y’all will continue to help moving forward. I’d like to convene a Tcon early August to review this update with everyone to answer questions and get feedback. So please review and make some notes and feel free to email me with questions or feedback in the meantime.

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