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Registration Accuracy

For the Medical Device Development Tool submission, we will need to characterize the registration precision of eeDAP.

Marios and Brandon have two ideas for characterizing registration precision.

  1. 1-4 slides mounted on the stage. A bulls eye reticle. Run eeDAP for some number of cell nuclei or other small feature. A human determines where the small feature lands in the bulls eye.
  2. A micro-bead slide: a mixture of at least two beads, one big (size of a cell, 10 um?) and the other as small as can be made. The small spheres would be rare and would be the anchors/fiducial marks for determining registration precision. Image processing could be used to measure the registration precision. This could be done offline and after-the-fact because eeDAP takes a snap shot of the camera view such that the camera view can be saved.

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